Opening up your classroom to both parents and students can be hard to do especially when busy schedules get in the way. When you are a #Physed teacher that can make things even harder, but by showing little snippets of students in action can provide a real insight into what is happening in the classroom.

By going to the link above you can arrange a virtual meeting with anyone you decide to share the code with. This is great for example if parents cannot attend parents evening and you would like to speak to them. Once you click the ‘+’ button the following screen will appear.

Name the meeting then click continue. Then click join now to get started.

Once you are inside the meeting space you will be given a host of options. You can also send individuals a phone number so they can join just the audio-only. The number of people you can have on a meet can range, depending on the package you have. ‘Participant limits: G Suite Enterprise (250), G Suite Business (150), and G Suite Basic (100).’

One of the great things that I have enjoyed using is the ‘Turn On Captions’ which is like having live subtitles on your video. I have found it to be about 95% accurate when conducting a video conference.

Clicking the Present Now button allows you to either show an individual window or your entire screen. This is certainly a great feature when you are wanting to conduct a virtual classroom, for example, a Health class online.
What methods have you used to connect online with people?
I look forward to hearing your responses below.