Using Google Meet To Connect

Opening up your classroom to both parents and students can be hard to do especially when busy schedules get in the way. When you are a #Physed teacher that can…
Making Anatomy 4D In #Physed Pt II

Back in February last year I wrote about some of my favourite apps I use in the classroom to help to engage my students when teaching them about the body…
Use Forms To Run Your Extra Curricular SignUPS

Re-wind 25+ years….(When I was at school) If there was a trip to the local zoo, museum, an after school club or similar I would be given a letter like this.I…
Use GSuite To Run Sports Day

When running an event it can be a stressful occasion for any department. A schools sports day is where the PE department will bring together the school for a celebration…
Certify Your Students

As regular readers to the blog know, I am a huge fan of Google Forms. If I can use a form to help me reduce paper and ‘work smarter, not…
Using Google Sheets New ‘CheckBox’ Feature For Attendance

Google Sheets is great to help you collate data and keep you organised. I have been using sheets for years to help me stay on track of jobs that I…
Using Keep In Physed & Health

Google Keep is becoming one of my favourite tools! It can do almost everything and more. Not heard of Keep? Google Keep is basically all your notes in one place…
Using Gsuite’s new MS Office File Comment Feature

Have you been annoyed with converting MS Office files on your Google Drive into Google docs everytime you want to share them with your colleagues or students and receive feedback?…
Save Time Lesson Planning With GSuite

Back in 2015, a number of physed of teachers sat down to put together an online lesson planner, I was one of those teachers. No matter what curriculum you teach, I…