@physedreview aka Kevin Tiller is a physical educator from Massachusetts and not only their Teacher of the Year in 2015 but also the creator of physedreview.weebly.com
Now if you have not checked this resource out you really should. It has EVERYTHING, you will be blown away by how many resources there are on this page, great for all PE teachers, both old and new.
My current iPad screen includes many apps that I use on a daily basis that I use in my teaching:
Plickers (IOS / Android) – On a daily basis I use this program to assess my student’s knowledge of skills and concepts that I teach in class. In less that 30 seconds I can assess an entire class using my device and specially designed cards that are held by the students. A game changer for me.
Class Dojo (IOS / Android) – With this app I can keep track of a student’s conduct with the ability to report to parents on that conduct. It’s also a great to communicate to parents items of interest such as program highlights, upcoming events, and reminders. Currently I am connected with over 250 parents using this program.
iMovie (IOS) – Ever since I got my first iPad back in 2012 I have been creating movies and videos to use with my students in class. I use iMovie all the time for these videos. Super easy to use and, actually, a ton of fun at the same time. Basically I record myself performing skill based challenges for my students to practice. As the movies are playing, I am able to float around the class and give feedback and suggestions as needed. Basically, I’m in two places at the same time: On the screen, and in the class. Again, a game changer for me.
Some great insights here from Kevin about how he uses three apps in #physed. Be sure to check out his website.